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30 Minute Exercises

The workouts on this page generally last on average 30 minutes, but some last less wheras some go a little over 30 mins. They are all except P90X3 suitable from novice and physically unfit people to those who fall in the modetely fit category. These are a great place to start to build your physical fittness and move ahead to more complex workouts. These will be great for those looking for quick workout whilst still wanting the benefits of a physically active lifesytle.

Intense Training

22 Minute Hard Corps

Now you can "Get Some and Get Done!"—in 22 minutes a day with the quick, military-inspired, no-nonsense workout program designed by superstar trainer Tony Horton. 


On the Beachbody website it is on sale for USD $40, but can be purchased from other sources for much cheaper.

30 Min: Services
30 Min: Services
Running Shoes

Guru Mann

This is a youtube fitness channel that provides recorded workout that can be performed in a gym. The instructore is a bodybuilder based in America and provides guided videos on how to get active. It can be downloaded and used anywhere anytime.

Stretching Exercises


This service is provided by Chris Hemsworth, the god of thunder himself. He has partnered with leading fitness experts around the world to provide people with the best resources out there. He has collected all their knonwledge and provided it on his service.


The exercises can be done at home or the gym. They can be done with weights or just using your body weight. They range from MMA, boxing and weighlifting workputs to pilates and yoga. New workout are added regularly.


Price: 1 month - $21/month
          3 months - $56 ($18.70/month)
          1 year - $125 ($10.40/month)



Intense Training


This is an online-based fitness provider that is suitable for all fitness goals from just getting fit and losing weight to gaining muscle and toning your body. This, however, is a subscription-based company set in the USA and has workout from leading fitness experts around the world.


Price: 1 month - $16.92
          3 months - $39.06 ($13.01/month)

          1 year - $117.20 ($9.70/month)

30 Min: Services
Running Shoes

Insanity Max 30

This is another workout program by Shaun T. it is a pre-recorded workout program that uses mainly body weight with some options light weight dumbell exercises. The workouts last a maximum of 30 minutes and cater for all physical abilities from beginners to the more advanced group. Although the workout is currently being offered as a subscription product it can be purchased for lifetime use on external websites such as Amazon and ebay.

Stretching Exercises

Insanity T25

This a series featuring Shaun T again. It is a pre-recorded workout program that uses mainly body weight with some options light weight dumbell exercises. The workouts last a maximum of 25 minutes and cater for all physical abilities from beginners to the more advanced group. Although the workout is currently being offered as a subscription product it can be purchased for lifetime use on external websites such as Amazon and ebay.

Intense Training

Rockin Body

This is a dance based worjout for all those dance lovers. This is a fun social exercise and can easily be done in groups. The workout can be performed in small spaces making it perfect for those on the go or do not have the time or are unable to travel to the gym for a workout. 


Price - $20.00

30 Min: Services
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